What if Health Insurance is Unavailable? Health & Dental Discount Plans May Be the ANSWER!
-I can't afford it.
-I'm uninsurable.
-I need to go to the doctor today.
-I have existing conditions that aren't covered.
-My insurance doesn't cover enough of my medical bills.
There is good news for people who don't have health insurance to cover themselves or their family. Too many times the availability of health insurance has left Americans with the over whelming cost of medical and dental bills. The good news is there are now products that can help aid in the high cost of medical and dental bills. These products are known as Health and Dental Discount Plans or Medical Discount Plans.
Health and dental discount plans open the door to provider networks so that you can obtain "wholesale" prices for doctors, dentists, hospitals and other provider services. This means members of these plans enjoy the same "wholesale" rates for their doctor and hospital provider services, along with contract pricing on prescription, dental, vision and hearing services.
A Health and Dental discount plan is ideal for people who are uninsurable and are looking for savings. They are also great for people who can not afford the high cost of health insurance or medical insurance. If you have medical coverage, but it doesn't cover all of the costs, these discount plans are a great compliment to your existing coverage.
They offer savings on prescriptions, vision and dental costs. Giving you well rounded savings for all health costs you and your family incur. Most everyone in your household is covered under these medical savings / discount plans. Spouses, natural born children, stepchildren, children for whom you have assumed legal or financial responsibility and parents who reside in your household, everyone can be covered under one membership. These medical savings plans can really be a savings bonanza for your finances.
A good medical discount program will have nationwide discounts with hundreds of thousands physicians and hospitals participating. Thousands and thousands of dentists, vision experts, pharmacies, chiropractors and hearing experts are included as providers.
These plans can have special perks and mailers that include a wide variety of specials like emergency travel and vitamin samples. You should look for a program that includes Accident and Life Insurance included. Again, these plans will add a great amount of benefits for one cost and can include everyone in the household, making them a great addition to your financial plans.
One thing to keep in mind, Medical Discount plans are not insurance. You do not have to qualify, there is guaranteed acceptance with no underwriting questions! You simply will be showing your ID card at the time of your appointment or purchase and receive the reduced rate when you pay. Very simple and a great savings.
Convenience is another option to look for; a good program should be easy to enroll in online or by phone. You should be able to have your monthly fee deducted from a credit card or debit card and receive your membership kit and ID cards in a timely manner.
There are many good programs available and we recommend and offer a fantastic product called BENICARD. It includes all of the benefits we have discussed above and is available on our website for quick access. Just look for the Benicard banner on our Peak Services website where we are always "Helping You Reach Your Peak". Complete explanations of benefits are available at our website and a quick, safe, easy application process will get you on your way to medical savings in minutes.
So if you or a family member needs to find additional ways to save on the high cost of medical and health costs look to medical savings or discount plans as a great supplement to your financial picture. These plans also make a great gift for that someone who struggles with paying for the high cost of coverage.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
Cheapest Health Insurance | Health Insurance
What If Health Insurance is Unavailable? Health & Dental Discount Plans May Be the Answer!
luni, 25 mai 2009
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Etichete: health insurance discount
Health Insurance - Search For the Best Low Cost Health Insurance Coverage
We all need Health Insurance coverage but because it is so expensive many of us are left without coverage and this can be a bad thing if you need to go to the hospital. One of the things that we need to fix in the country is to have a health care system where everyone can be covered so that they do not have to pay a arm and a leg to find healthcare. So many insurance companies try to find what they call existing conditions so that they can deny you or over charge you.
There are so many other countries where the healthcare is covered by the government and maybe a lot of people do not support this in the US it is better than having such a large percent of the population left with no health care at all. Many people who are young and just starting out do not have health care because they think that why should I pay all this extra money when I feel fine. But the truth is we never know when something might go wrong and we need to be covered.
If you are searching for Health Insurance then it can be easier than ever now because of the internet. It use to take a long time to call different insurance agents to get quotes but now with a click of the mouse you can have many quotes to compare really fast.
Remember that when you are searching for Health Insurance you need to find a site that will give you online quotes so that you can compare rates and this will help you make the best decision.
article source: ezinearticles.com
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Etichete: health insurance coverage
Health Care Insurance - Get Health Insurance If You Have Any Pre-Existing Conditions
Health Care Insurance is very expensive and this makes it hard for everyone to get coverage and if you happen to have a Pre-Existing Condition then you cost will be even higher. It is sad to see the insurance companies having so many people that they have denied because they said they have a Pre-Existing Condition and in most cases this is not right. Now they are even saying that people who are overweight can be denied coverage.
A Pre-Existing Condition is one that you try to get insurance and you have been diagnosed with a medical issue. Many people who have diabetes or heart disease can fall into this category. The insurance companies will deny coverage for the condition for a period of time when you first obtain the coverage. You need to make sure that you check around and find the best option for you to get insurance coverage.
The best way that you can search for a great health insurance plan is toy go online and find a site that lets you get a quote so that you can compare prices along with level of coverage that you can get. If you have been declined for insurance make sure that you speak with an agent that can let you know the options that are available. There are many insurance companies that can offer you insurance even if you have a Pre-Existing Condition.
Remember that getting Health Insurance is one of the most important things you can do so that if something happens to you then you will have the insurance coverage you need.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: health care insurance
Affordable Health Insurance -- Things You Should Note - Things That Will Help You Save Massively
Affordable health insurance: As you shop for the best rate there are things you should note if you want to succeed in your quest. There are also things that will help you save massively. We'll take a brief look at both here...
1. No-appointment ambulatory care centers or emergi-centers can also help you lower your costs. This option is best if you find it a little difficult to pay for standard health insurance and as well rarely see a doctor. If you make a comparison with an emergency room in a hospital, emergi-centers are cheaper.
2. You can lower your rates by buying prescriptions online. You can also get affordable prices if you buy by phone. Drugs are more affordable online because the cost of doing business is dramatically cheaper with the internet. But to ensure you are buying from a good company, check. Organizations like BBB can tell you if a company is trustworthy or not so do not fail to check.
While we want to reduce our health care costs we also need to ensure that we safeguard our health and our lives.
3. Check if your preferred company has unreasonable limits. The maximum amount an insurer will pay out if an insured has a catastrophic ailment is worth considering. If they have limits that you think is unreasonable then it is time to shop for a better carrier.
Do not also fail to check to ensure the maximum you will be required to contribute to treatments annually is okay for you. Like I said for the previous case, look for another insurer if their maximum is too much for you.
4. You can get lower rates on health insurance now by visiting a minimum of five insurance quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to request quotes. (Some folks present details that are not really true about themselves. That isn't a smart move since the quotes you'll get this way will NOT be of any use to you). You'll have to choose lowest health insurance quote for you from the list of quotes received. That's all there is to it. However, you could easily save hundreds of dollars.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Low Cost Employee and Family Health Insurance
With even minor illnesses and injuries costing hundreds or thousands of dollars to diagnose and treat, workers need options for low cost employee and family health insurance. Such insurance can help pay for ...
* Immunizations
* Preventive care
* Maternal and infant care
* Emergency health services
* Minor and major accidents and illnesses
Without adequate health insurance, individuals and families tend to ignore health problems and forego preventive care. Even worse, serious medical problems can send them spiraling into bankruptcy.
Low Cost Options
Traditional full coverage insurance is often too expensive for today's employees and families. However, low-cost options are available that still provide needed coverage:
* With PPOs and HMOs, you must choose a health care provider from a specified list but your premiums are much lower than with traditional insurance.
* A Major Medical plan won't cover routine health care needs but it gives you protection from major accidents and illnesses.
* High-deductible plans cover all your medical bills once you reach the deductible. Ideally, you combine a high-deductible policy with a Health Savings Plan in which you put away money to pay for your bills until you reach the deductible.
In addition to these options, many states have government programs to help low-income workers afford insurance for themselves and their families. See your state's Department of Insurance website for details.
Money Saving Tips
To help you keep your health insurance costs as low as possible, follow these tips:
* Avoid tobacco so you qualify for lower rates. If you already smoke, work on quitting.
* Stay healthy by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.
* Keep your credit rating in good shape. A poor credit rating leads to higher premiums.
* Comparison shop through an insurance comparison website. Get quotes from at least three companies so you can compare their coverages and premiums.
Where to Get Low Cost Health Insurance
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Etichete: low cost employee, where to get
Do You Want More Affordable Health Insurance? Then Apply These Tips
You can enjoy affordable health insurance if you know what to do and when to do them. Let's explore a few ways to pay less without endangering our lives or those of our loved ones...
1. You'll reduce your cost if you have an outstanding credit rating. A poor credit history will cost you in higher rates. For some insurers it is a pattern they believe you might repeat with them in premium defaults. This translates to more danger to them and higher premiums for you.
2. Ask your agent personally about all the discounts possible with your present insurer. There's a possibility that your agent has left one or two out. You will lower the probability of this happening to you if you take the pains to ask your agent seriously to tell you of every discount that is possible. You might get a very pleasant surprise!
3. Smokers pay rates that are twice or more that of non-smokers. It is a sure fact that smokers are prone to various health conditions and that they don't live long.
It costs insurance companies a lot more to provide health insurance to smokers because of their high risk. If you can quit smoking you will get rates that are considerably more affordable when you reapply after twelve months.
4. It pays to look through your policy at least yearly or as much as you think changes have occurred in your health or that of a member of your family. This will help you confirm you always have sufficient coverage. But most times it does happen that one of these checks reveals that you have more coverage than you need.
It's in such cases that you'll save by doing this since you would do the right thing and cancel such unnecessary coverage. For instance, if you bought coverage for your family and one of your children has just entered college or got married, you may not remember to remove them from your family coverage if you don't review your whole policy regularly. Believe me, there are a lot of things on our minds these days. Believe me; joy can make you forget serious matters like this.
5. You'll attract more affordable premiums if you make your payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This simply means your insurer takes your premiums automatically from your account each month without mailing you payment notices.
This saves the insurance company in many ways such as eliminating the cost of sending payment notices and the expense of processing checks. Your rate is therefore brought down to reflect the cheaper cost of providing insurance to you.
6. You can get cheaper quotes on health insurance now by visiting not less than five quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to obtain quotes. (Some people present details that are not really correct about themselves. That is NOT a smart move since the quotes you'll get this way will NOT be of any use to you). You'll have to pick lowest health insurance quote for you from the list of quotes you've obtained. It's as simple as that. However, you could make savings hundreds of dollars.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Health Insurance Policies - How to Get the Best Plan at the Best Price
In the market for health insurance? Want to know how to get the best policy at the best price? Here's how ...
Best Policies
The best health insurance policy is the one that gives you the coverage you want at a price you can afford. The most popular health insurance plans are:
1. HMOs (health maintenance organizations) - With an HMO your receive health care from a specific network of doctors and hospitals. The HMO pays for your doctor bills, hospital fees, and prescriptions, and you pay a co-payment (usually $5 to $15) for each doctor visit.
You must choose a network primary care physician who will be responsible for overseeing your health care and referring you to specialists when needed. Visits to doctors outside the network are not covered.
HMOs are the least expensive comprehensive health care plan and involve the least amount of paperwork.
2. PPOs (preferred provider organizations) - With a PPO you also receive your health care from a network of doctors and hospitals, but you don't need to choose a primary health care physician and you don't need to get a referral to see a non-network doctor. However, you'll pay extra to see a non-network doctor.
PPOs are more expensive than HMOs because they are more flexible.
3. POSs (point of service plans) - These plans are similar to HMOs, but you may use non-network doctors by paying a higher co-payment and a deductible.
POSs are cheaper than PPOs, but more expensive than HMOs.
Best Companies
There are three websites where you can check out insurance companies:
The A.M. Best website (ambest.com) - This website lists a company's financial status and is a good site to use to determine their financial stability and their ability to pay claims.
J.D. Power & Associates website (jdower.com) - This website provides customer satisfaction ratings and is a good site to use to see how well a company treats its customers and how well they pay their claims.
Your state's department of insurance website - All states maintain a department of insurance website, and most states provide a list of complaints filed against insurance companies so you can see if a company has had more than its share.
Best Rates
To get the best rate you'll need to do a little comparison shopping. The easiest way to do it is to go to an insurance comparison website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: best plan, health insurance policies
Pet Health Insurance
The health of you pet is undoubtedly high on your list of priorities. Our pets are like our children. The debate over rather or not to purchase health insurance for our pets is a serious one. Make sure you way the pros and cons before deciding. Of course there are bonuses to having health insurance. However, the downside is the fact that most insurance companies make you pay your vet bill out of pocket, and wait to be reimbursed. Which could mean serious set backs for a lot of us.
If we could afford to pay out of pocket, most of us wouldn't worry about getting health insurance in the first place. However not having it is not the best idea either. Suppose your pet becomes unexpectedly or even worst chronically ill and the bill is in the thousands of dollars. Are you ready to choose between your pets life and your financial stability? You always want to keep a watchful eye out when picking a health insurance company. Many of them are not upfront about what is covered by their insurance. You would be surprised about some of the things that aren't covered. Like breeding or any maternity related expenses, preventable illnesses. Suppose your puppy comes down with parvo and you didn't get him vaccinated for the virus, then your insurance company will not cover it because you could have prevented it. Imagine paying for health insurance your years just to hear the words "denied" by your pet insurance company.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: pet health insurance, pet insurance
Don't Become a Victim of Health Insurance Fraud
Unfortunately, health insurance fraud is rampant in the US. It's difficult to protect yourself from being victimized. As a matter of fact, people who are scammed might not even know it, until such time as they submit a claim. Only then do they discover that the once their claim is denied, that they have been victimized.
Is there a chance to prevent health insurance fraud from happening to you? Would you be aware of what to look for? There are many different characteristics of this fraud, but one in particular for you to watch out for: health insurance coverage being offered at a ridiculously low cost.
Be cautious of spam mail that promotes cheap health insurance, especially if you've never heard of the company offering it. Before you take any action, it's best to research the company's credibility. You can find ratings of health insurance companies at http://www.ambest.com. You can also verify that the company is licensed to transact business in your state, by contacting your state insurance commission.
Even if the company seems legitimate, you still should read and understand the offer. Check out the fine print. And to be wary of an offer that asks you to pay the total premium in advance, or insists you pay in cash.
Another step you can take is to contact your local hospital or family doctor and ask them if they accept this insurance. In fact, ask them if they'd even heard of it.
If you feel that you are a health insurance fraud victim, take the following three steps:
File a complaint with your state insurance commissioner.
Get in touch with your bank to prevent any scheduled future automatic insurance payments.
Speak to your local law enforcement officials.
Prevention is the best way of protecting yourself from health insurance fraud. If you are careful to begin with, you will avoid much anguish afterwards.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: health insurance fraud
How to Find an Affordable Health Insurance Plan
Health Insurance costs have gone through the roof in recent years, but finding an affordable health insurance plan may not be as hard as you think. Here are simple explanations of the four basic plans and you can save money on them.
Health Insurance Plans
There are four basic types of health insurance:
1. Point of Service (POS) Plan - Also called an indemnity plan, this is the most expensive plan. It's for people who want to choose their own doctor and hospital. It's the most flexible plan because it allows you to make your own decisions about your health care. You pay your bill after services are rendered and are then reimbursed by your insurance company.
2. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - This is the cheapest plan. It provides you with a network of doctors and hospitals chosen by your insurance company. You pay a monthly fee for this plan and all visits and prescriptions must be approved by your HMO.
3. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) - This is the most popular plan. It's similar to an HMO, but you pay for medical care after it's received instead of paying a monthly fee. You also have the option of seeing out-of-network doctors. Visits within the network require a small fee, while out-of-network visits may require a deductible payment and a co-payment.
4. Medicare Supplement - This plan is for people 65 and older. It covers costs and expenses not covered by Medicare.
Choosing an Affordable Health Insurance Plan
The first thing you have to do is to figure out which health insurance plan is best for you.
If you want the most flexibility, then a POS plan is your best bet. If you want the cheapest plan and don't don't mind your doctors being chosen for you, then an HMO is what your looking for. If you want more freedom of choice than an HMO and are willing to pay a little more for your insurance, then a PPO is a good choice. And if you're a senior and want to supplement your Medicare insurance, then a Medicare supplement is what you need.
After you choose a plan, the best way to find the best rate is to go to an insurance comparison website where you can compare rates from a number of different companies. The better comparison sites even have a chat feature where you can talk online with an insurance expert and get answers to your questions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: health insurance plan
Massive Savings In Health Insurance -- Make Sure You've Considered The Following
If you want massive savings in health insurance without compromising the quality of coverage you enjoy then you'd have to consider the following...
1. Apart from the fact that you're endangering your life, using banned or unregistered drugs will raise you premium. And, drug abuse will also make you get costly rates. That is, if it doesn't make it impossible for you to get health insurance. Self medication should be avoided both for the grave consequences to your health and rates.
2. Stop smoking if you want inexpensive health insurance. It's a sure truth that smokers are vulnerable to various health conditions and that they don't live long.
This increases their risk to a health insurance carrier and therefore raises their rates by a huge margin. If you can quit smoking you'll attract rates that are dramatically more affordable when you reapply after twelve months.
3. Check through your policy from time to time. This will help you confirm you always have sufficient coverage. And then you realize while doing this routine check that you really don't need some coverage you paid for.
You'll then reduce your rate by canceling such unnecessary coverage. Consider a scenario where you still have your just-wedded daughter on your family health insurance policy with the consequent higher rates. It's very easy to forget little things like this. Believe me; joy can make you forget important matters like this.
4. Deciding to be flexible in the choice of doctors and health care facilities you can use will result in lower costs. The reason for this is that you may be required to restrict yourself to doctors and hospitals in a specific network in order to get very cheap rates. And in such a case you'll be compelled to change to health care providers in the network and not your favorites.
It would be easier to attract better rates if you can make this kind of adjustment. Don't forget that it's really advisable that you weigh what you stand to gain against what you must sacrifice.
5. No-appointment ambulatory care centers or emergi-centers will as well help you lower your rates. Think seriously about saving on health insurance with this option if you're the kind who hardly ever has to see a doctor because you're always in good health. These centers cost a lot less than an emergency room in a hospital.
6. You can get cheaper quotes on health insurance now by visiting a minimum of five insurance quotes sites. Each quotes site will require about 5 minutes or less to receive quotes. (Some people give details that are not really correct about themselves. That isn't a smart move since the quotes you'll get this way will NOT be of any use to you). You'll simply choose what represents the best health insurance quote for you from the list of quotes obtained. It's as simple as that. Nevertheless you could get savings hundreds of dollars.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: massive savings
What Are My Personal Health Insurance Options?
Health coverage has always been a social problem in the US, the increasing rates on insurance options has kept several people away from such services, however this is not a healthy or recommended practice because sooner or later you will need to go to the doctor in order to have your ailment taken care of.
If you are between jobs and you had health coverage provided in part by your employer you might want to learn more about COBRA and the many options they offer in order to extend your coverage while you are not employed. Getting in touch with this agency is crucial if you don't want to get caught uninsured at a crucial moment.
If you work for an employer who offers group health insurance you pretty much have to accept their terms if you want to get the benefits of a lower payment, on the other hand personal health insurance can be tailored to your unique needs which will fit your budget. It is very common for personal health insurance to be more expensive than group health insurance because you are no longer sharing the costs with your employer, however there are many benefits you will get by using a personal health insurance such as:
- Extended health insurance which will cover you when you are between jobs, this is a very important benefit that you get with personal health insurance which is not offered by group policies because once you stop working for your employer the health coverage stops.
- If your current plan doesn't offer certain treatments or doesn't offer all the benefits you want, you can use personal coverage in order to cover the gaps left by your current provider.
- You can also have a customized long-term health insurance policy which will benefit your entire family, not just you.
If you opt for the personal coverage option you will want to shop around in order to get the best rates possible which will cover each of your requirements. Having house insurance can sometimes be of great help because such companies also offer packages where you can get yourself medically insured at a discount rate so make sure to ask these companies. Remember that the healthier you are the lower the costs will be so try to quit any bad habit you may have and set your deductible as high as possible, this will lower your monthly payments but be careful to set it at an amount you can afford.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: health insurance options
Cheap Health Insurance Quotes -- Simple Steps To Huge Savings That Won't Put You At Risk
Cheap health insurance quotes: You can save and put yourself at risk. But in this article, I'll share simple steps to huge savings that won't put you at risk on the long run...
1. Some people are not poor enough to be eligible for plans for low-income earner and as well have financial constraints that make standard health insurance hard to pay for. If you're among such people, you'll benefit greatly by using a discount medical card. So what are they?
With this special kind of card you are given medical attention from a network of health care professionals who are contracted to provide their services to card carriers at lower rates. These cards are not connected to any health insurance carrier.
If you've been disqualified from regular health insurance because of your medical history or think your premium is too expensive then you can lower your cost by making use of this kind of card. This kind of card does not decline anyone for any reason. Just make your monthly payments and you will use a network of health care providers who will charge you lower for their services.
2. Phone med services will help you lower your rates. These are free community services that provide medical advice by phone 24/7. You can trust the advice you get because they are given by trained professionals (usually not less than a registered nurse with at least 10 years experience). Local clinics provide free medical advice by phone in most cases.
This reduces the number of times you see a doctor and as a consequence your total rate on the long run. The advice you get from them could also help you take precautions that will prevent a serious ailment. This is reason enough for your to make use of them even if they don't help you reduce your costs.
3. Did you know that your co-pay could be more expensive than the cost of your drugs? In some cases, it is better for you to get a prescription without the use of your health insurance. In those cases, you'll save more by taking the options that give you more savings. Do your best to know the difference before you use your insurance.
4. Each year the government invests a lot in publishing materials on health care and more. You'll understand more about what affects your health and health insurance policy if you read these publications. These publications will make you better equipped to make more informed choices as far as your health insurance is concerned. Once this is the case, you will attract cheaper rates. You can get these government publications here: http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov
5. A straightforward but effective way of reducing your premium is by authorizing an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This just means your insurer withdraws your premiums automatically from your account at specified periods without sending you payment notices. This reduces administrative overheads like those involved in mailing payment notices. This is why this gets you discounts.
6. While you take these other steps to bring down your health insurance costs, here's what to do to receive lower rates today. Visit reputable quotes sites and obtain quotes. Visit not less than five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. Make sure you give your correct details as you fill the forms on each site. The last step is to simply pick the insurer that represents the best price/value from the quotes you receive.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: huge savings
Get Affordable Health Insurance In New York
Affordable health insurance in New York can be found in a variety of ways – the most ideal being through an employer-sponsored group health insurance plan. Unfortunately, employers aren’t required to provide health care benefits to their employees, and even more depressing is that some employers would actually rather not offer medical benefits than help their employees stay healthy. So, even the best job, with the best pay, can seem “not so great” if it doesn’t help you get affordable health insurance in New York.
Fortunately (yes, there is some good news), New York offers a health care program for people who can’t otherwise find affordable health insurance in New York. The program is called New York State’s Family Health Plus. Eligible individuals include adults ranging in age from 19 to 64 who make too much money (or have too many assets) to be eligible for Medicaid. However, they also don’t make enough money to purchase an individual health insurance plan, much less pay for health care out of their own pockets.
The number of children you have doesn’t matter as far as your eligibility for Family Health Plus, nor does your marital status. You can be single with children, or married with no children.
The Family Health Plus plan provides basically the same kind of health coverage you’d find with regular group or individual health insurance policies in New York. With this plan, you’ll get coverage for regular doctor visits, emergency room visits, in and out patient treatments, vision care, services and treatment for diabetics, behavioral and mental health care, and family planning.
If you can handle more good news, read on: applying for and enrolling in the Family Health Plus plan costs nothing. There are no deductibles, either! Co-payments at the time of care are all that is required of you.
Affordable health insurance in New York is just an application away. Contact the New York State Department of Insurance for application information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: get health insurance, health insurance in new york, new york
Health Insurance -- Tips For Saving Yourself A Lot Of Dollars And Heartache
Health insurance: You can get savings for the moment and have much heartache down the road. However, in this article, I'll teach you how to save yourself a lot of dollars and heartache. Here we go...
1. You can also bring down your cost by registering with a group health expense sharing plan. This refers to a set of people who have decided to team up and provide themselves with health insurance coverage. Big churches and other large organizations are locations where you can easily find these groups.
Each group usually has its own set of rules, the type and scope of coverage available, limitations if any and more.
Try to find groups like this and find out if any of them will cater for your personal health care needs. Getting such a group that takes care of your requirement will get you coverage at a lower rate.
2. There are drugs that are big brand names. You'll increase your costs if you use big brand name drugs. But did you know that all generic drugs are required by law to have the same active agents as brand name drugs? The inactive ingredients are the only dissimilarities between generic drugs and brand names.
This simply means that what you receive in brand name drugs is also what you get from generic drugs of the same specification. However, check this with your doctor before making this decision.
3. Don't become carried away by the lowest rate as you shop for low cost health insurance. You have to avoid a very low quote that does not give you a good value to price ratio. You can get really low rates that include the quality you are after if you do your shopping extensively. But in cases where you don't find the right value at the lowest rate, you'll be making the right decision if you pay more to ensure you truly have the quality of coverage that is right for you.
Many a cheap quotes could be so because the health insurance carrier has slashed off important components. In such situations, the cheapest is not the best but the best for you ultimately is the best deal on the long run.
4. The US government publishes guides on health matters every year. You will know more about health matters and health insurance policy if you read such publications. And, with better information, you and yours will know what to do to prevent some health conditions, live a healthier life and eventually lower your health care costs. What you know about health insurance goes a long way in determining what you ultimately pay for health insurance.
5. As you take these other steps to bring down your health insurance costs, here's something you can do to start enjoying lower rates today. Visit reputable insurance quotes sites and obtain quotes. Visit a minimum of five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. However, ensure you give your correct details as you fill the forms on each site. The last step is to just pick the insurance company that represents the best price/value from the quotes return.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Individual Health Insurance Plans Considerations
As more and more employers and corporates are unwilling to pay for health insurance of employees due to the prohibitive cost, people are opting for individual health insurance plans. Further, self-employed people like lawyers, artists, freelance writers, small business men have no other option but to opt for a health insurance plan.
A health insurance is a must for a secure and safe future. The objective of a health insurance is to safe guard an individual from financial risk of illness, accident and medical costs. There are thousands of plans available online and through agents today. Health insurance quotes are easily available on the internet after furnishing basic data about yourself. Some of the important points that need to be examined are discussed below.
Premium: Premium is the amount you pay periodically; usually monthly to the health insurance company for the health insurance policy. The higher the premium usually the more benefits included in the plan, but it is not necessary. The premium depends on the age of the individual, health, whether smoker or non-smoker, pre-existing condition etc.
Duration of Coverage: Longer duration coverage usually has more premium than shorter duration coverage.
Type of Coverage: Basic coverage covers basics like hospitalization and surgery. Comprehensive coverage covers preventive care, routine medical checkups, prescription drugs etc. The premium for comprehensive will naturally be higher.
Deductibles: Deductible is part of the medical bill which you have to pay and the rest is paid by the insurance company. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.
Flexibility: If the health insurance plan is flexible that is it allows you to visit a specialist without going through a primary care physician then the premium will be higher.
Preferred hospital or Physician: Most insurance companies have tie-ups with doctors' networks to reduce their costs. If your preferred hospital or physician is present in the network, then it is an added reason to opt for the health insurance plan.
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Etichete: individual health insurance
Family Health Insurance - Things to Keep In Mind
Health insurance is a vital part of your fiscal planning. Ma minor illness or injury may not affect your financial status to any great extent. But a major illness or accident might require payment of cosmic amounts in the form of medical bills that may seriously offset your family budget. Being adequately covered under a health insurance plan provides unsurpassed peace of mind.
A family may apply for a family health insurance policy individually, or a family member may obtain group insurance at the place of employment. Coverage of the entire family might b provided under the group plan. When the head of the family leaves or loses their job, they may be debarred from the employee group insurance policies. Under such circumstances affordable health insurance for the entire family becomes imperative. Many times, employers do not offer a benefits package that includes health insurance for the family of the employee. Moreover, a self-employed person may need to bear the full medical expenses of the entire family if they happen to be the only earning member of the family. Also, the premium that is to be paid when all the family members are covered under a single policy might be lesser than the total amount payable for individual health plans for each and every member of the family.
However, certain matters need to be looked into before settling upon any particular family health insurance plan.
In certain cases, a family might not want to change the physician they are currently consulting, because of their familiarity with the medical history of the family. In that case, the medical provider should be asked about the types of insurance policies they allow, or whether they are enlisted with any particular health insurance company. This will ensure attainment of the best services at the best rates.
Managed care health insurance plans are often quite reasonably priced, but might be limiting in the sense that the policy holders are restricted to acquiring medical help from those providers and hospitals that fall under their network. In that case, one needs to ascertain whether any doctor in their locality falls under that network. Otherwise, that particular policy will not turn out to be cost-effective at all. Hence, it is crucial to carry out comprehensive research before signing up for any health insurance plan.
Coverage under insurance plans varies from one policy to another. In case that your child needs braces or consultation of allergist, you need to ascertain whether your insurance policy covers all that. Also find out if a written referral from your primary medical practitioner would be required.
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Affordable Family Health Insurance - Where to Get It
No doubt about it, family health insurance is expensive. It can cost $1,000 or more to insure your family, but there are ways to get affordable family health insurance and save hundreds of dollars on your premium.
Choose an Affordable Family Health Insurance Plan
* HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) are the cheapest form of health insurance. These plans set you up with a network of physicians and hospitals which you must use when you're ill. In order to get treated you must first see your primary physician who will either treat you or refer you to a specialist. You pay a small copayment after each visit to a physician.
* PPOs (Preferred Provider Organizations) cost slightly more than HMOs. They too set you up with a network of health care providers but you also have the option of choosing a doctor outside the network by paying more. These plans are more popular than HMOs because you have more options.
Get Affordable Family Health Insurance Quotes
Because there are so many types of plans and because rates vary widely from one company to another, you need to compare quotes from different companies in order to get affordable family health insurance.
The easiest way to get rates from different companies is to visit an online insurance comparison website. Here you can get quotes from a number of companies, then choose the plan and the rate that best fits your needs.
If you're confused about health insurance plans, or have questions about health insurance in general, the better sites have a chat feature that lets you talk online with an insurance expert and get answers to your questions. (See link below.)
Buyer Beware
Some HMOs and PPOs have a lousy track record when it comes to paying for certain medical procedures, so you need to make sure the HMO or PPO you choose will be there when you need them.
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Etichete: affordable health insurance, family health insurance
Low Cost Health Insurance -- 6 Ways Smart Folks Pay A Lot Less For Adequate Coverage
Low cost health insurance: There are many ways smart folks pay a lot less for adequate coverage than the clueless. I'll share a good number of those ways here...
1. You will spend less in health insurance if you have more knowledge on it. You'll be able to make choices that will get you the best. It takes a certain level of knowledge for you to spot opportunities and also know how to take them.
2. A group health insurance plan is usually cheaper than an individual health insurance plan. Don't miss it if you're in an institution that gives you the option to use a group plan as it naturally implies that you'll pay lower rates. It becomes even more so if you're overweight, a smoker or older.
A group plan will help you make considerable savings if you have a health condition that makes individual health insurance either too costly or almost impossible to get. Therefore, taking advantage of a group plan is an easy way of getting quality coverage for far less.
3. Certain states offer home business owners an opportunity to bring down their cost. This is because home based businesses enjoy the same low rates that insurers offer their bigger counterparts. Employing just one employee makes a home business eligible for such cheap rates in a number of states.
Always remember that a member of your family who works with you in a home business is taken as a staff. The good thing is that such an employee doesn't have to work full time for you to be eligible.
Group rates are usually cheaper so do your best to take advantage of this if you're a home business owner. To find out if you are eligible or even if your state has such a provision, call your state's department of insurance, department of financial services or their equivalent.
4. That excess weight will make you spend a lot in health insurance. There is something known as Body Mass Index (BMI). It is used to calculate a prospect's premium.
If your Body Mass Index rating is high, your rates will be high. When your BMI rating is high it simply means that your weight is too much for your height. Put more effort into shedding excess weight since losing just a few pounds could put you in another BMI rating and result in lower premiums.
5. While shopping for low cost health insurance make sure that you don't become carried away by just the cheapest quote. You have to avoid a cheap quote that does not give you a good value to price ratio. If the lowest price offers all that is important to you, then go for it. But be ready to pay slightly more if required to buy adequate coverage.
Take note of this because some low rates could be that low because they don't offer much. Such low offers won't do you any good due to the fact that it is not the right coverage for you.
6. You will save much money in health insurance if you get and compare health insurance quotes from quotes sites. You will make savings if you go to only one of such sites. But, you'll get better results by visiting at least five. The straightforward logic in this is that you'll receive a greater number of health insurance quotes from a wider range of insurers. This raises your chances of getting better offers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: pay less
Health Insurance Protection In Georgia
In Georgia, state laws protect your access to healthcare even if you get sick or would not otherwise have ready access to health care. Here's a rundown on current scenarios in Georgia's health care system.
* Group Health Plans
There is such a thing nondiscrimination in a group health plan, which means that if you are covered under a company-backed policy, you cannot be denied or be limited in your access to healthcare because of you health status. You also cannot be made to pay more because of your current state of being.
Similarly, if you are a small company trying to buy group health insurance, you cannot be turned down because of any factor that may affect the use of health services by anyone in your company. Therefore, you as an employer should be sold health plan on a guaranteed basis.
As it is, Georgia limits health insurance carriers from excluding pre-existing conditions. Of course, there are rules on what can be counted as a pre-existing condition and how long anyone must wait before a new plan begins to pay for the care of that condition. In general, if you have a new plan, your old coverage can be credited as the exclusion period of your pre-existing condition under certain conditions.
* Conversion Policy
If for any reason you lost your fully insured group health plan, you have the right to buy an individual health insurance from the same company that provided the group coverage, provided that you were fully covered for six months under that group plan.
However, there are conversion policies and you can be charged premiums. Thankfully, you do not have to be slapped with a new exclusion period for pre-existing conditions.
* Health Insurance Between Jobs
Even after you leave your job, you still remain in your employer's group health plan for a period of time, which is called COBRA or state continuation coverage. This continuation helps if you are waiting for a new health plan or are between jobs.
* Low To Modest Income Health Insurance
If you can't afford health insurance, you may qualify for free health coverage or a subsidized plan. Georgia's Medicaid program offers free health care for pregnant women, low-income families, and elderly or disabled individuals with little or no income. Median income families in Atlanta can opt for private family health insurance programs readily available in the market.
* Cancer Treatment For The Uninsured Or Underinsured
If you are at risk for cancer but do not have health insurance or are underinsured, you may still avail of screening and treatment under the Georgia Cancer Screening
Program, which provides free screening for qualified Georgians. Some women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer may qualify for Medicaid through this program.
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Etichete: georgia, health insurance in georgia, health insurance protection
Short Term Health Insurance Simplified
Short-term health insurance policies are for people who are in-between jobs, in school, just about to retire, or students just graduated and waiting to find work.
Short-term health insurance policies are low-cost and cost as little as the monthly pay out for a car. Some short-term health plans may even provide coverage of USD 1 million.
Here are a few basics of short-term health insurance:
• Short-term health policies are for health of people with no pre-existing conditions that need to be cover.
• The short-term health policies help in case of unexpected accidents or illness during the period covered.
• The policies are generally for a period of 12 months or less. Although there are a few short-term health policies available that offer 36 months.
• The policies are flexible and payments can be made one a month. This permits flexibility in almost non-existent budgets.
• The plans are specific and will not cover any health problem that existed 36 months prior to the coverage.
• Most short-term policies have a list of limitations and exclusions that need to be considered.
• Short-term health insurance helps when a person is in-between jobs or studying, just discharged from military service, temporarily out of work, on strike and so on.
• Short-term insurance works along the lines of indemnity plans.
• The insurance needs pre-certification before any treatment is undergone except in case of emergencies. No certification could result in no reimbursement from the health plan. It is important to follow the rules.
• Short-term insurance covers surgery, hospitalization, drugs, and perhaps even follow up visits. However the policies do not cover preventive health care, health check ups, PAP tests, or immunizations. Basically only an injury or illness is covered by a short-term insurance plan.
• Most short-term health policies can be renewed up to 36 months. However if there is a claim within the period the rules may change. Check with the insurance agent or company.
Costs of short-term insurance vary according to policy bought, insurer, and market trends. A short-term policy may cost USD 300 plus per month for a family of four with a deductible of around USD 1000. The cost of short-term health coverage for a single person may be around USD80. Most companies cover anyone under 65 and such policies are only sold to people who have no other coverage.
Short-term health policies can be bought from leading health insurance companies online and offline. It is important to get quotes from different providers before buying a policy and also to compare the features of the policy being purchased.
Short-term health insurance protects individuals and their families when in transition for any reason.
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Etichete: short term health insurance
Get A Cheap Health Insurance Quote The Easy Way
Health care costs are sky high, and consequently so are health insurance rates. So how can you get a cheap health insurance quote? Here's how ...
Cheap Health Insurance Plans
The cheapest health insurance plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and Point-of-Service plans (PPOs).
HMOs are the least expensive of the health insurance plans. They provide health care through a network of doctors and hospitals.
With most plans you pay a small fee known as a copayment for each doctor visit. You don't have to fill out a bunch of forms as you would with a traditional plan, and there are no deductibles to pay.
When you're ill you must consult your primary doctor, also known as a gatekeeper, who will either treat you or refer you to a specialist. You are not covered if you choose to go to a doctor who is not part of your network.
PPOs cost slightly more than than HMOs, and are the most popular health insurance plans because they provide more flexibility than HMOs. They too provide health care through a network of health providers.
Your copayment for each doctor's visit is about the same as an HMOs, and there are no forms to fill out and no deductibles to pay. There are no gatekeepers with a PPO so you can see a specialist without first seeing your primary care physician.
POS plans cost more than HMOs and PPOs, but provide the most flexibility of the three health insurance plans. They provide health care through a health provider network, but you also have the option of seeing a doctor of your choice.
Copayments for doctor visits within the network are about the same as they are for HMOs and PPOs, and you will be reimbursed up to 80% for your out-of-network doctor visits after you pay a deductible.
Cheap Health Insurance Quotes
The best way to get cheap health insurance quotes is to go to an insurance comparison website. Here you can get quotes from health insurance companies so you can compare rates. Some sites even have an insurance expert on call so you can chat with him or her online and get answers to all your questions. (See link below.)
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Etichete: cheap health insurance, health insurance quote
Cheaper Health Insurance -- If You're Serious About Paying Far Less For More Then Apply These Tips
Cheaper health insurance: You can rise above just wishing you had more affordable rates. You can start paying a lot less for superior coverage by reading and applying the following tips...
1. You'll save by insuring your kids through state plans. There are criteria that must be fulfilled before you are considered eligible.
But check if you're eligible as this will cost you nothing or very little in most cases. If you have a kid with a special ailment, you will save much if you insure such a kid through a state plan.
2. If you want to lower your rate then register with a group health expense sharing plan. This refers to a group of individuals who have decided to collectively provide themselves with health insurance coverage. Large churches and other large organizations are places where you can find such groups with less effort.
Each group normally creates its own set of rules, the type and scope of coverage offered, restrictions if any and more.
You can find out if your individual requirements are met by this kind of group. You can expect your rate to be cheaper if you get a group that meets your needs.
3. If you drive recklessly then be prepared to pay expensive health insurance rates. Being convicted of traffic offences isn't just bad for your car insurance rate it also affects your health insurance rates. The simple reason is that if you're such a driver, you'll most likely require medical attention for crash related injuries than a very careful driver.
You'll lower your costs if you develop a good habit behind wheels. If you drive a sports car or power bike, you'll likely pay much more in health insurance. The higher probability of a crash means you could be injured and have to make a claim soon.
4. Some individuals find themselves in a position where they are not eligible for Medicaid and also find it difficult to pay for traditional health insurance. If you are one of such people, you will benefit greatly from a discount medical card.
A discount medical card qualifies you to make use of a network of health care providers who have agreed to give card carriers health care services at a lower rate. These cards aren't managed by any health insurance carrier.
It's also a wise choice for people who may have a pre-existing ailment that will disqualify them from most health insurance schemes or make them get high premiums. No one is declined for any reason. Simply pay your monthly fee and you will use a network of doctors who will charge you less for their services.
5. You'll pay less in health insurance if you have more knowledge on it. Knowing what is in your best interest helps you make better decisions. Moreover, you'll find it easier to get every opportunity that you're eligible for if you have the right information.
You can get advice on health matters from government agencies by calling their number toll-free. One of such numbers is that of the National Health Information Center: 1-800-336-4797
6. You can get savings of hundreds of dollars on your health insurance policy by requesting for insurance quotes from quote sites. The best way is to visit a minimum of five sites and making sure that you provide the same (correct) information about yourself.
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Etichete: cheaper health insurance
How To Obtain A Low Cost Individual Health Insurance
A health insurance policy is a legal agreement between an insurer and the insured. The insurer may be a private individual or a government agency. It is bound to pay the medical expenses in the event that the insured person falls ill or faces an accident. The health insurance policy catalogs a package of reimbursements for medical examinations, medicines and health care services.
Finding a low cost individual health insurance policy is not impossible. There exist a number of companies that may help you find an individual health insurance plan which enables you to stay within your financial provisions and meet all your health care needs as well. This will take the hassle out of locating a suitable health insurance plan. If you are unwilling to hire the services of such companies, you may always take the help of the internet. Information pertaining to every sort of medical care plan is readily available on the internet. Also, you can discuss your options with an insurance broker, or contact the customer service cells of the major health insurance providing organizations in your area.
The cost of health insurance depends on a number of factors. At the time of purchasing a health insurance, all individuals need to fill out an application form. You have to enter details of your entire medical history, mention your age, whether you smoke, how much you weigh, whether you have been treated for any diseases included in a list. Those applicants who do not smoke and maintain a healthy manner of living are given discounts, in order to encourage slackers to improve their lifestyles. The premiums of most individual health insurance policies are related to the age of the applicant. A senior citizen is likely to need more health care coverage than a younger and physically fit individual. Their chances of being hospitalized are more than those of the younger generation. Consequently, for aged individuals, the monthly premiums payable tend to be higher. Other health related factors that can increase the prices of health insurance policies include insufficient exercise, unhealthy food habits, substance abuse and obesity. If a person takes steps to eradicate all these unhealthy elements from their lives, they can substantially reduce the costs of their individual health insurance policies.
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Etichete: low cost health insurance
Great Tips For Getting Infertility Health Insurance
Before you begin searching for infertility health insurance, you must first determine what kind of infertility health insurance coverage you need. If you know you’re having fertility problems, but aren’t sure why, you may want to check into diagnostic infertility health insurance. Diagnostic infertility health insurance covers medical services administered by doctors to help them figure out the cause of your infertility problems.
However, if you already know the cause of your infertility, check into infertility treatment health insurance. Infertility treatment health insurance covers the cost of any medical procedures administered to help you become pregnant such as special medications, assisted reproductive technologies, intrauterine insemination, and various other surgeries and procedures.
Start determining the infertility health insurance you need by talking with your doctor. Although your regular doctor probably isn’t a specialist in this field of medicine, he or she may still be able to give you advice on which kind of infertility health insurance you need.
Once you have a good idea of the kind of infertility health insurance and procedures you want, contact your health insurance company. Find out if your policy covers infertility health care and treatments. If it does, have the insurance representative send you written documentation of this coverage (this prevents any confusion should you receive infertility treatment and later be told you’re not covered) as well as any specific procedures you must follow. If your current health insurance policy doesn’t cover infertility health care and treatment, find out if you can purchase it from the company, or perhaps purchase an add-on to your existing policy.
If you’re confused about the amount of infertility health insurance coverage you have, or can’t seem to find any infertility health coverage, contact your state’s department of insurance. Infertility coverage amounts vary from state to state, as do policies about who does and does not have to provide it and procedures that must be followed when obtaining and using it.
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Etichete: great tips, infertility health insurance
Get Great Affordable Health Insurance In Tennessee
Affordable health insurance in Tennessee can be obtained through a great health care program called TennCare. TennCare provides health benefits to pregnant women; women who need cancer treatment (breast and/or cervical); children under the age of 21; people receiving, or who have received, Supplement Security Income (SSI) or some other form of Social Security assistance; people who reside in nursing homes and have a total monthly income of less than $1,373; and anyone receiving any other kind of assistance from Tennessee, including the Families First program.
TennCare recently underwent a reformation process, so adults who are eligible for another kind of health insurance program or who signed up for TennCare simply because they had very high medical bills are no longer eligible for TennCare health coverage. This means these individuals must seek affordable health insurance in Tennessee elsewhere.
If you are one of the Tennesseans who lost TennCare, or simply aren’t eligible for the health care program, don’t fret; there are still ways to find affordable health insurance in Tennessee. You can check into group health insurance coverage. These kinds of policies are generally less expensive than individual health insurance coverage. They are most commonly offered by employers, but can sometimes be obtained as member benefits through clubs, associations, organizations, and even credit card companies.
Still, affordable health insurance in Tennessee can be found with individual health insurance plans, too. As long as you take your time searching insurance companies licensed to sell health insurance policies in Tennessee, as well as companies that offer the coverage you need at premiums you can manage, it’s possible to find an affordable individual health insurance policy in Tennessee.
An important fact to remember: if you need to shop for group or individual health insurance plans, you have a time limit beginning the first day you lose coverage. For group health insurance, you need to obtain coverage within 30 days; for individual policies, it’s 63 days. This isn’t mandatory, but it makes finding affordable health insurance in Tennessee easier.
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Etichete: healt insurance in tennessee, tennessee
Get Affordable Health Insurance While Unemployed
Affordable health insurance for the unemployed may feel impossible to find, but as long as you know where to look and have determination it is within your reach. Actually, self-employed individuals and individuals who are employed but aren’t offered employer-sponsored group health insurance can benefit from the much of the same advice.
The first step to finding affordable health insurance for the unemployed is to find out if you’re eligible for COBRA. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) made it possible for individuals who are terminated, laid off, or transferring jobs to temporarily continue to receive group health insurance benefits. So, if you’ve just recently become unemployed for any of those reasons, referred to as “qualifying events,” contact your former employer for more information about your COBRA benefits.
The second step to finding affordable health insurance for the unemployed is to check into purchasing short-term health insurance. Short-term health insurance policies are designed with the unemployed person in mind, so rates are most likely within your budget. They can last anywhere from six to 12 months, so they’re perfect for individuals who are actively seeking employment or another form of affordable health insurance.
The third step to finding affordable health insurance for the unemployed is to contact your state’s department of insurance and request information about subsidiaries for which you’re eligible. Most states provide some form of free or low-cost health coverage for residents who meet certain income requirements. Some states even have special low-cost health insurance plans for people who can’t otherwise obtain health insurance. At the very least, you should find a free or low-cost health coverage program that will provide health care for your children, or assistance with special health care needs (i.e. diabetes, mental health, female health check-ups and conditions, etc.)
A change in your employment status doesn’t mean a change in your health needs. It may take some footwork, but it’s possible to find affordable health insurance for the unemployed.
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Etichete: affordable health insurance, unemployed
Health Insurance Savings Tips -- You Might Not See Some Of These Time-Tested Suggestions Often
Health insurance savings tips: There are the usual recommendations for getting better rates (And we'll talk about them here). However, we'll go a little further and touch some of the not-so-popular but highly suggested considerations while shopping for a better rate...
1. Using emergi-centers or no-appointment ambulatory care centers will help you reduce your rates. This is especially correct if you are always healthy and find it tough to pay for traditional health insurance. Ask to know if your community has a center of this kind.
2. There are health insurance guides that the government publishes yearly. You'll know more about health matters and health insurance policy if you can get these publications. They will give you information that will put you in position to save a lot and also take the right safety measures. More relevant information in health insurance is crucial to attracting the best rate for your profile.
3. Take it or not, the way you drive can have a negative effect on your health insurance rate. Being convicted of traffic offences isn't only bad for your auto insurance rate it also has an effect on your health insurance premium. The simple reason is that if you're such a driver, you will most likely need medical attention for crash related injuries than a very cautious driver.
You will reduce your rates if you cultivate a good habit behind wheels. If you drive a sports car or super bike, you'll likely pay much more in health insurance. This is because they are more likely to cause you injuries because they have a higher risk of accidents.
4. Deciding to be flexible about the doctors and health care facilities you can use will result in cheaper rates. Your favorite health care providers may not belong to the network that attracts great rates. And in such a situation you might have to adjust to health care providers in their network and not those who are your preferred.
It would be easier for you to get more affordable rates if you can make such adjustments. But in being flexible don't joke with the quality you get.
5. Cross check your health insurance coverage from time to time. This will help you ensure you always have adequate coverage. While doing this routine check you can also discover coverage no longer need.
Canceling such unnecessary coverage will lower your premium. For instance, if you bought coverage for your family and one of your kids has just gone to college or got married, you may not remember to remove them from your family coverage if you do not review your entire policy routinely. It may only become obvious when you get your annual payment notice.
6. Visit not less than five insurance quotes sites. Using a minimum of five quotes sites raise the chances that you'd obtain better health insurance quotes. This is because insurers not represented by one site would be covered by the other.
And, you know that because the likelihood of receiving lower health insurance quotes is proportional the range of quotes you receive, the more insurers you obtain quotes from, the better your chances will be. Obtaining your health insurance quotes online will help you save far more if you sacrifice just 25 minutes to ask for quotes from not less than five insurance quotes sites.
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Etichete: health insurance tips
Health Savings Account - A Health Insurance Plan that is Cost-Containing & Health-Promoting
Small business health insurance premium increases each year have cut deeply into Dr. Bradshaw's practice income. Being a health-conscious chiropractor, she rarely used her personal health insurance for medical care. "My staff is healthy and they're really interested in health benefits for medical emergencies. We all eat healthfully, work out, and do pro-active things to keep ourselves from getting sick." Dr. Bradshaw heard that a Health Savings Account could provide a satisfactory solution that would offer lower cost health insurance covering catastrophic care and at the same time provide options for improving or sustaining health.
The premium costs of health plans have been overwhelming for employers and individuals
"None of my staff took expensive medications so I dropped prescription coverage a few years ago to save some money," admits Dr. Bradshaw. "Even so, the premiums and copays continue to go up and all of us still pay a lot of out-of-pocket expenses for things like our dental and eye care."
No one wants to get sick. But there is a real fear of not having adequate insurance coverage causing financial ruin from medical expenses. People stay in jobs just so they have health benefits. Businesses continually switch health plans or drop certain benefits so they can stay profitable.
Investing in our own health seems like a good idea
What are we willing to pay and to do not to get sick? Larger companies recognize the value of healthy employees and spend thousands in wellness initiatives in order to save on health expenditures. There are those individuals who delight in their health-diligent choices and spend their own money on fitness programs, stress reduction, healthy foods, and alternative medicine. For these people there is a health plan that invests in their health.
An HSA saves you money and your health
Back in 2003, our Federal Government made Health Savings Accounts (HSA) available. Tied to a much less expensive high deductible health care insurance plan, the tax-advantaged funds in the HSA could be used for medical expenses but also for health-promoting expenditures like dental care, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture treatments. Any funds that aren't used roll over to the next year collecting tax-free interest. When you reach age 65, the funds left in the Health Savings Account act much like an IRA and can be used for non-medical expenses.
Sensible Personal and Small Business Health Plans
Dr. Bradshaw immediately saw the benefits of the Health Savings Account. It was the best solution for her personal health insurance and for her small business health insurance needs. Her employees, who enjoyed their good health, loved having the control of their health care dollars and choice of practitioners.
Now she thought, "This would also be a great personal health insurance plan for my patients who could use their HSA to pay for chiropractic services. What a sensible health-promoting plan."
Copyright © 2008 Dr. Andrea Brockman T-Horizons, LLC All Rights Reserved
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Etichete: health savings account
Dangers In Buying Health Insurance Online
When faced with the dilemma of buying their own health insurance, consumers find a baffling array of choices, terms, waiting periods, deductibles and exclusions. What is the difference between coinsurance and a copay anyway?
With less employers than ever offering health insurance benefits, people retiring earlier, and the trend toward self-employment and entrepreneurship, there are more people buying individual and family health insurance plans (IFP) than ever before.
Compounding the problem is the fact that health insurance is very complex, and consumers can easily make very serious mistakes that end up costing them tens of thousands of dollars - after it's too late.
Naturally, with the growth of the internet has come the growth of "online" health insurance marketplaces. Unlike term life insurance, auto or homeowner's insurance, health insurance has so many moving parts that it is not a commodity easily compared or purchased online. You are not buying an airline ticket from Travelocity, or a book from Amazon! Many online health insurance shoppers are duped into buying a virtually worthless "discount" plan instead of real insurance. Other consumers are under the mistaken impression that buying online will lower their premium - not true!
Here are the main problems in comparing and applying for health insurance from one of the online marketplaces.
First, not all of the sites have all of the plans available. When making such a critical and expensive purchase, wouldn't you want to have the entire universe of coverage available to you?
Secondly, it is almost impossible to get an accurate premium quote online. Most online health insurance sites quote the "standard" rate. There is no way to tell if the medication you're taking, or your height and weight ratio or any of the dozens of considerations that go in to the rate will effect your final price for coverage - you are flying blind!
Many online health insurance sites have "sponsored" or "featured" listings. After you enter your demographic info, available policies pop up. Often times the insurance company will have paid the site for premium placement, much like Google or Yahoo. Many mistakenly think this means it's the "best" policy for them, and with the dizzying array of options for coverage, it's not hard to see how they could make this potentially expensive mistake.
Last, and certainly not least, is the "service after the sale" aspect. If you run into a problem with a claim payment for instance, will the online health insurance website be there to act as your advocate with the insurance company?
What is the answer, you ask? The best and safest way to shop, compare and apply for individual and family health insurance coverage is through a reputable, experienced independent health insurance broker. Agents that sell mainly auto and homeowner's insurance may not have the expertise. Look for one that has at least five years in the business, and works with multiple insurance companies. The policy won't cost you any more than if you bought it online. A knowledgeable health insurance broker can help steer you away from the pitfalls, as well as answer your questions - including the ones you don't think to ask.
Paul Manchester has been assisting clients for over 17 years, and is a noted expert on health insurance matters including Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Arrangements. Paul is also a well-known speaker on health insurance topics. For more info, visit his website at http://www.paulmanchester.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Manchester
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Etichete: health insurance risks
Pennsylvania's Proposed Health Insurance Reforms
ennsylvania's Governor Ed Rendell just introduced his program to reform the state's health insurance. This proposed program is entitled Prescription for Pennsylvania. While it still needs to be approved by the legislature, it would definitely bring significant changes to health care in the state. Rendell's overall goal is to provide health care to everyone, including about 767,000 PA residents who do not have any coverage. Below are some of the ways in which Rendell's proposed plan will benefit residents of Pennsylvania.
1. Affordable Insurance For All
A new program which is part of this "Prescription" is called CAP, which means "Covering All Pennsylvanians." By this, the Governor intends to be able to bring affordable health insurance to everyone in the State, especially to those who make less than the State's average income of $39,000. Two target areas that this program is looking to provide insurance for, are:
Employed individuals who do not have health insurance
Small businesses owners who do not have health insurance
2. Employed Individuals Who Do Not Have Health Insurance
Governor Rendell's own goal for those who are employed but have no insurance, but limited to those who make at least 300% of the poverty level of income, is to be able to provide health care coverage for around $280 per month. Apparently this is the actual cost of providing this policy that his counsel has determined. There are presently several insurance carriers offering health insurance for this amount or less in Pennsylvania.
3. Individual Health Insurance
Governor Rendell's goal for those who are employed but do not have insurance is limited to those who make at least 300% of the poverty level of income. The cost to provide health care coverage would be around $280 per month as this is the actual cost of providing a policy that his counsel determined. There are presently several insurance carriers offering health insurance for this amount or less in Pennsylvania.
4. Program Will Reduce Medical Costs To Make It More Affordable
Several areas in the new Pennsylvania health insurance program are targeted in an effort to curb overgrown and unnecessary medical costs. These targeted areas will help reduce the billions of dollars spent each year and help to reduce the overall cost and make it affordable for nearly all. Here are some of the features that have been specifically mentioned in order to make it happen.
A. Examination of Services Performed - Certain areas are being examined to potentially reduce current medical care costs such as reducing the length of hospital stays in order to prevent things like hospital infections. Another targeted problem will be those hospital stays that could have been prevented by better personal self-care or better physician services in the first place, such as treatment among people who have diabetes, asthma, and other various medical conditions. This also includes scaling back on certain procedures and tests that may be unnecessary.
B. Reduce Medical Costs By Enlarging Services. The annual cost of providing health care is billions of dollars. The Governor is looking to reduce this figure by cutting out unnecessary expenditures in order to lower costs of health insurance in Pennsylvania. By expanding medical facilities hours of operations to include evening hours and weekends, he believes there will be less of a need to use emergency rooms for everyday medical needs. Furthermore, Rendell hopes that by bringing everyone into the health insurance program, the overall costs of healthcare in Pennsylvania will decline.
C. Other Changes That Will Benefit Many - Other additional changes in the health insurance in PA program include:
· Allowing Nurses To Perform More Services:
Governor Rendell is proposing the use of medical attendants like nurses and possibly dental technicians in a wider capacity as they are trained to do more than they are generally permitted to do. For example, in a nurse-controlled medical facility, nurses may not be permitted to do things like stitching wounds, treating infected toenails, or removing moles, if these nurses were in a doctor-controlled facility, they would regularly perform these tasks. Costs will be reduced by allowing nurses to perform these medical treatments on a statewide basis, allowing doctors to perform functions that are targeted to their specialized training.
Another example is the distribution of prescriptions during the birthing process. Many mid-wives and nurse practitioners already deliver as many as 10% of the babies in PA, and it seems like it should merely be the natural progression of their services into this arena, as well.
Nurse care in such fields as has been mentioned here, and others, would reduce health insurance costs as nurses do not charge much as doctors do for their services.
Reducing Costs Through Rebates:
For those insurers that provide plans to small businesses, there may be a need to provide rebates. If an employer's medical costs for their group plan uses less than 75% of the collected premiums, the insurer will need to provide a rebate to each of the employees. This will help keep costs down for employers - at least for those years where expenses are lower than expected.
The question here is how do the insurers fund the claims for the groups whose claims exceed 200% or even 500% of their premiums?...if this is done on an overall loss ratio basis, it would be of great benefit to employers.
With so many changes that will soon be effecting the health insurance in Pennsylvania in a positive way, it appears that many people will certainly be able to enjoy better healthcare. The Prescription for Pennsylvania may indeed be a real good thing, and only time will tell.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: insurance reforms, pennsylvania health insurance
Phoenix Area Health Insurance Quotes
Phoenix area health insurance quotes are fairly easy to find, from many sources. Usually people will check with the internet, enter their information and get a few hundred phone calls from health insurance agents. The companies that place the ad in the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN and others, simply make their money by selling the leads to insurance agents. They are not particular as to how many agents they sell them to, but the more the merrier.
Here in Phoenix, Arizona, there is plenty of opportunity for employment and entrepreneurship, as Maricopa county is one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. The only problem, many of the jobs available do not offer benefits, or if they do, they are smaller firms, which usually have to pay higher premiums for their health insurance. Plus the fact, that once you have benefits with a smaller company, the benefit package can change overnight. Many times the cost of health insurance for dependents is so high it is unaffordable.
Of course, the goal of the individual searching for comparison quotes, is to find the best health insurance in Phoenix, they possibly can, but after having had 20 or 30 agents call you with the same proposals, it is very easy to lose interest fast. Then of course, you will get numerous emails with product comparisons, which make about as much sense as learning Mandarin Chinese to visit your local grocery store.
What to do? In today's volatile employment environment, we see many folks leaving the corporate arena in order to start up their own businesses. Or perhaps, they opt for a larger salary, even though the new employer offers no benefits. In addition we see that the health insurance premiums for dependents have skyrocketed beyond many families' ability to afford these higher costs.
We also find, in many instances, people will leave their employment without a thought about health insurance, only to discover that some of the medical conditions they already have will be excluded under many private health insurance policies. Worse yet, some may find themselves uninsurable, if they have diabetes, heart conditions, and other more serious ailments.
Even when COBRA (The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is available, it is for a limited period of time and a health insurance decision must be made eventually. COBRA gives workers and their families who lose their health insurance benefits, the right to continue their benefits for up to 18 months, by paying 102 percent of the premiums.
Continuation of coverage is another option, if you have had group health insurance coverage withing the last 62 days. This simply means that private health insurance companies must cover you with health insurance regardless of your health if you fall into this category. The plans have limited coverage though, like no co-pays, limited top end benefits, and the premiums generally are quite high.
Shopping for health insurance, especially in Phoenix, is not quite like shopping at Walmart. The lowest price is not always the best health insurance policy. Of course, all the companies you will see listed on the quote sheet you receive in your email will list their best qualities, you still will not know for sure which companies tend to pay their claims timely, which companies include your doctors, and who will give you the best service.
You may need a private health insurance policy for the rest of your career, or perhaps only for a short period of time. Either way, when it comes to paying a claim, it is important to have the right health insurance company in place. A good broker can give you advice on which companies will have the provisions in the health plan that will fit your particular situation, and perhaps, which plans to avoid. While there is no perfect health insurance plan, with good advice, you can cover your family's needs very adequately. And of course, the broker will not charge you a fee, as the insurance companies will pay the broker a commission.
Work with a local broker, take your time and get all the facts. You will be glad you did, and you and your family will have a satisfying experience with obtaining Phoenix health insurance.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: insurance quotes, phoenix health insurance
Florida Health Insurance Broker And Agency Needed?
If you are in the market for a good health insurance company in Florida, then you should consider yourself lucky since there are so many of them available. With increasing competition there are many Florida health insurance companies, fighting for their share of the market. Choosing the right one can be quite a daunting task indeed. The internet thankfully is a useful aid in your quest for the right Florida health insurance plan.
There are many online Florida health insurance companies that come to you with a host of offers and options for your entire family. The internet is one good source to learn about Florida health insurance plans and the different options available to you. Go through as many web sites as possible. There are scores of web sites which give comprehensive information. Moreover it is very convenient to get rates through online resources once you have decided to go in for a Florida health insurance plan, you should make sure that you thoroughly analyze your needs. This would also mean a hassle free health insurance experience.
Consider as many Florida health insurance companies as possible during your initial search phase. One person who can help you out with your search would be your insurance agent advisor. They may be in touch with several insurers and may be able to guide you in your search for the right Florida health insurance company. They would also offer your honest and valuable advice on the various Florida health insurance plans that are available.
Make sure that you obtain all the available cost information from your Florida health insurance company. Analyze your paying capacity and find out what is that you can afford as a premium for your Florida health insurance and find out in detail about every kind of cost involved in a health insurance plan. Get to know all the possible information from the different insurers and agents you may be dealing with. This enables you to compare and then arrive at the best Florida Health Insurance Company and plan.
Ask relevant questions and clarify all your doubts. You should be able to elicit proper answers to his/her queries from the Florida health insurance company. Try and find out from each insurer the list of present plans and find out which is the most popular plan going around currently.
Choose a Florida insurance company which meets your needs and circumstances the best, since you will be dealing with the home loan company for a reasonably long period of time. It is always best to go through referrals as far choosing a reputed Florida health insurance company is concerned. A good health insurance company would have been in the business in Florida for a substantial period of time. They should be enjoying a great deal of goodwill in the market among people of Florida. Make sure that your Florida health insurance company is licensed to operate in the state. This is a good way to find out about the credentials of a Florida health insurance company.
Another good source that can help you out with your Florida health insurance plan would be some of your friends or even family members. They may have already availed health insurance plans from different health insurance companies in Florida and therefore be in a position to offer you honest advice.
Florida Health Insurance Broker can help you!
Florida Health Insurance Agency
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: broker, florida agency, florida health insurance
PPO Individual Health Insurance Coverage - Buy Health Insurance Online Now
The secret to choosing the right HMO or PPO individual health insurance coverage for you: knowing how to evaluate quotes.
Today, a broken leg can end up costing $7,500 to treat; childbirth can easily cost $10,000; and medical expenses for hip replacements can skyrocket up to $32,000. So, it isn't a question of if you need health insurance.
The real question is how to find affordable health insurance with the benefits you need -- because you can't afford not to have quality HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage.
Step 1: Request two or more health insurance online quotes.
Soon you'll know the secrets to choosing the right health insurance for you.
Step 2: After you've requested more than one health insurance online quote, discover which benefits to confirm.
First, choose the health insurance online quote you've received that offers the best benefits for the price. Then, read this article to:
* understand your quote for HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage
* discover how to make sure that important benefits are included in your quote and then
* buy health insurance online with confidence
Here are some commonly asked questions -- and their answers -- that will help you in your quest to buy health insurance online.
1) I want affordable health insurance, but I also want secure coverage. Which benefits are a "must" in quality health insurance plans?
You want to make sure the following are covered in your health insurance online quote:
a. visits to your doctor's office
b. specialist referral visits
c. hospital stays
d. surgeon fees
Plus, your major medical coverage limit should be high enough to cover significant illness or injury. Also look for HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage that provides a 24-hour medical advice hotline, such as the Blue Cross of California health insurance MedCall service. Make sure all of the above is included in your health insurance online quote before you buy health insurance online.
Step 3: All of that is included in my health insurance online quote. What other HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage benefits are important?
Other great benefits include a prescription drug plan, vision care, and mental health benefits. If applicable, also review the section of your insurance plan that discusses maternity and well baby care. With Blue Cross of California health insurance, members automatically belong to the Blue Cross Baby Connection program.
Because of the Blue Cross of California Baby Connection, mothers receive quality prenatal care, information on safe and healthy pregnancies; and the use of a toll-free hotline for questions while you're pregnant -- and even when you're taking care of your newborn baby.
2) Should I look for any other benefits after I get my health insurance online quote?
Quality affordable health insurance HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage often includes preventative care benefits, as well as programs for chronic conditions such as diabetes and asthma. With Blue Cross of California health insurance, the program is called "Living Well With Chronic Conditions."
Step 4: Now, relax. You've got your bases covered, so go ahead and buy health insurance online that contains the benefits you need and want.
Choose a quality health insurance plan from a company you know and trust, such as Blue Cross of California health insurance. Then, go out and enjoy life, knowing you're fully covered.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: online insurance, PPO individual
Cheapest Health Insurance | Cheapest Insurance |
luni, 27 aprilie 2009
Cheapest Health Insurance
More and more people are looking online for the cheapest health insurance for families. The internet is filled with tons of information and resources on health care and insurance plans. If you want to make sure that your family is well taken care of, then you need to look online for some quotes. There are many different plans to choose from, and you can receive a quote and apply for a family plan right now! Find more about the cheapest health insurance
Believe it or not, there really are affordable plans out there. To find the cheapest health insurance for families though, you need to find out which companies provide plans in your state. You can do this, of course, online. Even if your family has low-income, there are still ways you can receive good coverage at affordable prices. There's no need for you or your loved ones to suffer, especially when medical coverage is attainable. Read more about the cheapest health insurance
When searching for the cheapest health insurance for families, you need to find out which plan will truly help your family the most. Make sure there are no hidden charges or fees. Sometimes the cheapest insurance will only cover the basics, so make sure you know exactly what each plan has to offer. If everyone in your family is in considerable health, then for the time being, a limited policy may be worthwhile. However, the moment you can afford it, you need to get comprehensive coverage. Had you find all that you need about the cheapest health insurance ?
Still, you may get lucky and find that the cheapest health insurance for families DOES offer comprehensive coverage in your state. Keep in mind that diseases and accidents can hit at anytime and anyplace. You need to make sure your family is protected as much as possible, even if it means that you have to sacrifice a few luxuries in the process. Nothing is as important as health insurance these days.
You can find out about the cheapest health insurance for families right now! All it takes is a bit of reading on the internet, and you can receive quotes and comparison charts! Hope that you will find the cheapest health insurance
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nadav_Snir
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Etichete: Cheapest Health Insurance, Cheapest Insurance, Healt Insurance, Insurance