What if Health Insurance is Unavailable? Health & Dental Discount Plans May Be the ANSWER!
-I can't afford it.
-I'm uninsurable.
-I need to go to the doctor today.
-I have existing conditions that aren't covered.
-My insurance doesn't cover enough of my medical bills.
There is good news for people who don't have health insurance to cover themselves or their family. Too many times the availability of health insurance has left Americans with the over whelming cost of medical and dental bills. The good news is there are now products that can help aid in the high cost of medical and dental bills. These products are known as Health and Dental Discount Plans or Medical Discount Plans.
Health and dental discount plans open the door to provider networks so that you can obtain "wholesale" prices for doctors, dentists, hospitals and other provider services. This means members of these plans enjoy the same "wholesale" rates for their doctor and hospital provider services, along with contract pricing on prescription, dental, vision and hearing services.
A Health and Dental discount plan is ideal for people who are uninsurable and are looking for savings. They are also great for people who can not afford the high cost of health insurance or medical insurance. If you have medical coverage, but it doesn't cover all of the costs, these discount plans are a great compliment to your existing coverage.
They offer savings on prescriptions, vision and dental costs. Giving you well rounded savings for all health costs you and your family incur. Most everyone in your household is covered under these medical savings / discount plans. Spouses, natural born children, stepchildren, children for whom you have assumed legal or financial responsibility and parents who reside in your household, everyone can be covered under one membership. These medical savings plans can really be a savings bonanza for your finances.
A good medical discount program will have nationwide discounts with hundreds of thousands physicians and hospitals participating. Thousands and thousands of dentists, vision experts, pharmacies, chiropractors and hearing experts are included as providers.
These plans can have special perks and mailers that include a wide variety of specials like emergency travel and vitamin samples. You should look for a program that includes Accident and Life Insurance included. Again, these plans will add a great amount of benefits for one cost and can include everyone in the household, making them a great addition to your financial plans.
One thing to keep in mind, Medical Discount plans are not insurance. You do not have to qualify, there is guaranteed acceptance with no underwriting questions! You simply will be showing your ID card at the time of your appointment or purchase and receive the reduced rate when you pay. Very simple and a great savings.
Convenience is another option to look for; a good program should be easy to enroll in online or by phone. You should be able to have your monthly fee deducted from a credit card or debit card and receive your membership kit and ID cards in a timely manner.
There are many good programs available and we recommend and offer a fantastic product called BENICARD. It includes all of the benefits we have discussed above and is available on our website for quick access. Just look for the Benicard banner on our Peak Services website where we are always "Helping You Reach Your Peak". Complete explanations of benefits are available at our website and a quick, safe, easy application process will get you on your way to medical savings in minutes.
So if you or a family member needs to find additional ways to save on the high cost of medical and health costs look to medical savings or discount plans as a great supplement to your financial picture. These plans also make a great gift for that someone who struggles with paying for the high cost of coverage.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
Cheapest Health Insurance | Health Insurance
What If Health Insurance is Unavailable? Health & Dental Discount Plans May Be the Answer!
luni, 25 mai 2009
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Etichete: health insurance discount
Health Insurance - Search For the Best Low Cost Health Insurance Coverage
We all need Health Insurance coverage but because it is so expensive many of us are left without coverage and this can be a bad thing if you need to go to the hospital. One of the things that we need to fix in the country is to have a health care system where everyone can be covered so that they do not have to pay a arm and a leg to find healthcare. So many insurance companies try to find what they call existing conditions so that they can deny you or over charge you.
There are so many other countries where the healthcare is covered by the government and maybe a lot of people do not support this in the US it is better than having such a large percent of the population left with no health care at all. Many people who are young and just starting out do not have health care because they think that why should I pay all this extra money when I feel fine. But the truth is we never know when something might go wrong and we need to be covered.
If you are searching for Health Insurance then it can be easier than ever now because of the internet. It use to take a long time to call different insurance agents to get quotes but now with a click of the mouse you can have many quotes to compare really fast.
Remember that when you are searching for Health Insurance you need to find a site that will give you online quotes so that you can compare rates and this will help you make the best decision.
article source: ezinearticles.com
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Etichete: health insurance coverage
Health Care Insurance - Get Health Insurance If You Have Any Pre-Existing Conditions
Health Care Insurance is very expensive and this makes it hard for everyone to get coverage and if you happen to have a Pre-Existing Condition then you cost will be even higher. It is sad to see the insurance companies having so many people that they have denied because they said they have a Pre-Existing Condition and in most cases this is not right. Now they are even saying that people who are overweight can be denied coverage.
A Pre-Existing Condition is one that you try to get insurance and you have been diagnosed with a medical issue. Many people who have diabetes or heart disease can fall into this category. The insurance companies will deny coverage for the condition for a period of time when you first obtain the coverage. You need to make sure that you check around and find the best option for you to get insurance coverage.
The best way that you can search for a great health insurance plan is toy go online and find a site that lets you get a quote so that you can compare prices along with level of coverage that you can get. If you have been declined for insurance make sure that you speak with an agent that can let you know the options that are available. There are many insurance companies that can offer you insurance even if you have a Pre-Existing Condition.
Remember that getting Health Insurance is one of the most important things you can do so that if something happens to you then you will have the insurance coverage you need.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: health care insurance
Affordable Health Insurance -- Things You Should Note - Things That Will Help You Save Massively
Affordable health insurance: As you shop for the best rate there are things you should note if you want to succeed in your quest. There are also things that will help you save massively. We'll take a brief look at both here...
1. No-appointment ambulatory care centers or emergi-centers can also help you lower your costs. This option is best if you find it a little difficult to pay for standard health insurance and as well rarely see a doctor. If you make a comparison with an emergency room in a hospital, emergi-centers are cheaper.
2. You can lower your rates by buying prescriptions online. You can also get affordable prices if you buy by phone. Drugs are more affordable online because the cost of doing business is dramatically cheaper with the internet. But to ensure you are buying from a good company, check. Organizations like BBB can tell you if a company is trustworthy or not so do not fail to check.
While we want to reduce our health care costs we also need to ensure that we safeguard our health and our lives.
3. Check if your preferred company has unreasonable limits. The maximum amount an insurer will pay out if an insured has a catastrophic ailment is worth considering. If they have limits that you think is unreasonable then it is time to shop for a better carrier.
Do not also fail to check to ensure the maximum you will be required to contribute to treatments annually is okay for you. Like I said for the previous case, look for another insurer if their maximum is too much for you.
4. You can get lower rates on health insurance now by visiting a minimum of five insurance quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to request quotes. (Some folks present details that are not really true about themselves. That isn't a smart move since the quotes you'll get this way will NOT be of any use to you). You'll have to choose lowest health insurance quote for you from the list of quotes received. That's all there is to it. However, you could easily save hundreds of dollars.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Low Cost Employee and Family Health Insurance
With even minor illnesses and injuries costing hundreds or thousands of dollars to diagnose and treat, workers need options for low cost employee and family health insurance. Such insurance can help pay for ...
* Immunizations
* Preventive care
* Maternal and infant care
* Emergency health services
* Minor and major accidents and illnesses
Without adequate health insurance, individuals and families tend to ignore health problems and forego preventive care. Even worse, serious medical problems can send them spiraling into bankruptcy.
Low Cost Options
Traditional full coverage insurance is often too expensive for today's employees and families. However, low-cost options are available that still provide needed coverage:
* With PPOs and HMOs, you must choose a health care provider from a specified list but your premiums are much lower than with traditional insurance.
* A Major Medical plan won't cover routine health care needs but it gives you protection from major accidents and illnesses.
* High-deductible plans cover all your medical bills once you reach the deductible. Ideally, you combine a high-deductible policy with a Health Savings Plan in which you put away money to pay for your bills until you reach the deductible.
In addition to these options, many states have government programs to help low-income workers afford insurance for themselves and their families. See your state's Department of Insurance website for details.
Money Saving Tips
To help you keep your health insurance costs as low as possible, follow these tips:
* Avoid tobacco so you qualify for lower rates. If you already smoke, work on quitting.
* Stay healthy by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.
* Keep your credit rating in good shape. A poor credit rating leads to higher premiums.
* Comparison shop through an insurance comparison website. Get quotes from at least three companies so you can compare their coverages and premiums.
Where to Get Low Cost Health Insurance
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: low cost employee, where to get
Do You Want More Affordable Health Insurance? Then Apply These Tips
You can enjoy affordable health insurance if you know what to do and when to do them. Let's explore a few ways to pay less without endangering our lives or those of our loved ones...
1. You'll reduce your cost if you have an outstanding credit rating. A poor credit history will cost you in higher rates. For some insurers it is a pattern they believe you might repeat with them in premium defaults. This translates to more danger to them and higher premiums for you.
2. Ask your agent personally about all the discounts possible with your present insurer. There's a possibility that your agent has left one or two out. You will lower the probability of this happening to you if you take the pains to ask your agent seriously to tell you of every discount that is possible. You might get a very pleasant surprise!
3. Smokers pay rates that are twice or more that of non-smokers. It is a sure fact that smokers are prone to various health conditions and that they don't live long.
It costs insurance companies a lot more to provide health insurance to smokers because of their high risk. If you can quit smoking you will get rates that are considerably more affordable when you reapply after twelve months.
4. It pays to look through your policy at least yearly or as much as you think changes have occurred in your health or that of a member of your family. This will help you confirm you always have sufficient coverage. But most times it does happen that one of these checks reveals that you have more coverage than you need.
It's in such cases that you'll save by doing this since you would do the right thing and cancel such unnecessary coverage. For instance, if you bought coverage for your family and one of your children has just entered college or got married, you may not remember to remove them from your family coverage if you don't review your whole policy regularly. Believe me, there are a lot of things on our minds these days. Believe me; joy can make you forget serious matters like this.
5. You'll attract more affordable premiums if you make your payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This simply means your insurer takes your premiums automatically from your account each month without mailing you payment notices.
This saves the insurance company in many ways such as eliminating the cost of sending payment notices and the expense of processing checks. Your rate is therefore brought down to reflect the cheaper cost of providing insurance to you.
6. You can get cheaper quotes on health insurance now by visiting not less than five quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to obtain quotes. (Some people present details that are not really correct about themselves. That is NOT a smart move since the quotes you'll get this way will NOT be of any use to you). You'll have to pick lowest health insurance quote for you from the list of quotes you've obtained. It's as simple as that. However, you could make savings hundreds of dollars.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Health Insurance Policies - How to Get the Best Plan at the Best Price
In the market for health insurance? Want to know how to get the best policy at the best price? Here's how ...
Best Policies
The best health insurance policy is the one that gives you the coverage you want at a price you can afford. The most popular health insurance plans are:
1. HMOs (health maintenance organizations) - With an HMO your receive health care from a specific network of doctors and hospitals. The HMO pays for your doctor bills, hospital fees, and prescriptions, and you pay a co-payment (usually $5 to $15) for each doctor visit.
You must choose a network primary care physician who will be responsible for overseeing your health care and referring you to specialists when needed. Visits to doctors outside the network are not covered.
HMOs are the least expensive comprehensive health care plan and involve the least amount of paperwork.
2. PPOs (preferred provider organizations) - With a PPO you also receive your health care from a network of doctors and hospitals, but you don't need to choose a primary health care physician and you don't need to get a referral to see a non-network doctor. However, you'll pay extra to see a non-network doctor.
PPOs are more expensive than HMOs because they are more flexible.
3. POSs (point of service plans) - These plans are similar to HMOs, but you may use non-network doctors by paying a higher co-payment and a deductible.
POSs are cheaper than PPOs, but more expensive than HMOs.
Best Companies
There are three websites where you can check out insurance companies:
The A.M. Best website (ambest.com) - This website lists a company's financial status and is a good site to use to determine their financial stability and their ability to pay claims.
J.D. Power & Associates website (jdower.com) - This website provides customer satisfaction ratings and is a good site to use to see how well a company treats its customers and how well they pay their claims.
Your state's department of insurance website - All states maintain a department of insurance website, and most states provide a list of complaints filed against insurance companies so you can see if a company has had more than its share.
Best Rates
To get the best rate you'll need to do a little comparison shopping. The easiest way to do it is to go to an insurance comparison website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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Etichete: best plan, health insurance policies